How Do Your Health Habits Stack Up vs. Your Peers?

What are some great habits of cybersecurity pros? How about always going the extra mile, asking curious questions, and here at Evolve, creating and sharing the cleverest memes!
But what also comes along with the job? Long hours, slouching, slumping, and straining, and feeling stressed out... all common habits of those of us who work long hours at a computer. We need to clean up our act, before bad habits lead to poor health!

During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we took a different route with our theme, focusing on the health and wellness of cybersecurity pros. Our business is a stressful one. Acknowledging this and practicing self-care needs to be a priority!
With this in mind, we created a poll to find out how how your health habits stack up against your peers. The poll is closed now, but we learned a few things from your responses.
- 54% of you said that workload is the area that causes the most stress in your work world right now, ranking much higher than "people issues" or juggling one's work and personal life.
- 50% of you are eating lunch away from your desk and taking walks... the rest of you need to get on board!
- When it comes to hobbies outside of work, 45% of you are runners, 36% of you are cooking, and only 18% are gamers... we think that feels low.
Thanks to all who took our poll. We are wishing you less stress and good health in the months ahead.